Thursday, May 27, 2010

Advantages of SQl server 2005 over Sql 2000

1.Resource Databases
2.Security enhancement
3.Dynamic Management Views
5.Database Snapshots
6.Online Restore
7.On line-Rebuild Index by using snapshot Isolation
8.Tbldiff utility
9.Replication:allow supscriber Updates,introduced Tracer Token to get know the latency
10.SSIS packages
11.Data encryption and compression
12.High scalability:Limited to 2GB, 4CPUs in Standard Edition. Limited 64-bit support for SQl 2000 but in Sq 2005 we can use 4 CPU, no RAM limit in Standard Edition. More 64-bit options offer chances for consolidation.
13.SQL server managaement Studio tool.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Shutdown other computer

If we want to shutdown other computer which is in same domain.We can use shutdown command.

shutdown [{-l|-s|-r|-a}] [-f] [-m [\\ComputerName]] [-t xx] [-c "message"] [-d[u][p]:xx:yy]


Shutdown -r -f -m \\machine name

-r indicates Shutdown and restart the server
-f indicates Forces running applications to close
-m indicates the machine name which is going to effect

SQL Jobs Suspended after restoing msdb Database

When we run jobs which already configured then we may gett the msg saying that "job already suspended" then it fail.

It should be the cause after restoring/Attaching the msdb Database from other server.The paths to the SQL Server Agent subsystem DLLs are stored in the msdb.dbo.syssubsystems table in the msdb database. The locations do not correspond to the current locations of the binaries for the instance of SQL Server.

Delete the entries from msdb.dbo.syssubsystems table and then repopulate the entries.

use msdb
delete from msdb.dbo.syssubsystems--delete entries in syssubsystems
exec msdb.dbo.sp_verify_subsystems 1-- Update the susbsystem DLL's to the correct path on the current install Folder.

Finally we should restart the SQl Agent service to effect the change.

Stop or Start the Services of other computer

If we want to Stop or Start the services of other server which is in same domain or Trusted Domain then we can utilize a wonderful command in Dos Paromapt "SC"
SC ServerName Command Service name
The option server has the form \\servername

Eg: To Stop SQL server 2005 Default Instance services
first stop it's dependency as SQLAgent
SC \\servername stop SQLServerAgent
Then stop the SQl server with below coomand.
SC \\server Name Stop MSSQLServer

Welcome Note

Welcome to Chandra's World